Rocket to Venus

A Baltimore restaurant owner hears an unlikely tale about a spaceship that was built in his garage back in 1928. Rocket to Venus follows life-long friends as they unravel a mystery a century in the making, while opening a window into Baltimore’s quirky and eclectic past.

Fellow: John Benam and Robert Ferrier | Date: Documentary Lab 2018

The Movements of the Universe

Everything moves in the universe. The planets spin and orbit their stars. Stars orbit each other and crash into each other. Galaxies rotate, they merge together…

Through this documentary, several NASA scientists explain the motions of the Universe in an animated way.

Fellow: Laurence Arcadias | Date: Incubator 2017

Ballet After Dark

A woman of color heals through dance…And uses social media to do the same for others

Real people. Real stories . Real lives. This short documentary combines the realness of cinema verité and videologue with the sometimes imaginary world of social media and animation content to follow the journey of a trauma survivor’s attempt to create a healing space in present day Baltimore.

Fellow: Barbara Asare-Bediako | Date: Documentary Lab 2017